According to data from the website of the Ministry of Finance of El Salvador, El Salvador increased its holdings of 1 bitcoin again in the early morning of this morning, and increased its holdings of 5 bitcoin yesterday. At present, its bitcoin holdings are 6101.18, worth more than 520 million US dollars.
据萨尔瓦多财政部网站数据,萨尔瓦多于今日凌晨再度增持 1 枚比特币,昨日增持 5 枚比特币,目前其比特币持仓 6101.18 枚,价值超 5.2 亿美元,近 7 日增持 13 枚比特币,近 30 日增持 45 枚比特币。
The main contract of the container shipping index (European line) fell 101.1 points during the day and is now reporting 3051.3 points, a decrease of 3.21%.
The Australian dollar rose 0.36% against the yen to 101.13, its highest level since 2014.